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单 价: 1200.00
所在地: 天津
销 量: 累计出售 0 件,0 个订单
评 价: 已有 0 条评价
库 存: 还剩 1000
人 气: 已有 39 人关注
更 新: 2022-05-05
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天津西纳工业科技有限公司专业销售德国MADLER齿条齿车、MADLER减速电机、MADLER减速机、MADLER减速箱、MADLER联轴器、MADLER涨紧套、MADLER轴承、MADLER导轨、MADLER气缸、MADLER缓冲器、MADLER同步皮带及、MADLER链条等,德国MADLER代理, 德国MADLER总代,如您对该产品感兴趣,欢迎来电咨询!



DIN标准化部件齿轮箱和减速电机轴,花键轴和螺母把手,手轮,把手,操作元素锥齿轮,蜗轮,蜗杆V带,滑轮,配件链轮,链条,配件钳项圈,固定环(调整环)联轴器,摩擦离合器,安全联轴器标准件和杂项的直线,直线轴承,精密导轨金属橡胶缓冲器,阻尼器的保养和维修喷剂,Loctits产品气动元件座轴承,轴套,钻头锥套夹紧套,夹紧轴套,雅固拉 - 万向节正齿轮,齿条,内齿轮,棘轮轮同步带,皮带轮,锥套伸缩幻灯片配件.

company building in K?penicker Street was completely destroyed. When the rebuilding began, nobody new ab0ut the separation of Berlin that would later take place. Bad luck, that a site in East Berlin was chosen to dare a new start. The trade company was thus later managed as a trust and in 1972 the company was officially converted into public property. The branch in West Berlin, which had been started at the same time, took a different development. After the war it became the new basis for company development. But: the strong competition of the free-market economy made the company change its approach. The main goal was now to find new, promising market niches. And really, one sector that was perfectly suited could be found: gear elements, gear units, geared motors, machine building elements, standard parts and threaded spindles with accessories offered good future perspectives. And the further development showed how correct this estimation had been. 1959 the branch in Stuttgart was founded, followed by Dusseldorf in 1963. An even bigger step followed in 1968: Due to supply shortages and the high demands we have always had on quality we started to be interested in building up our own production and in 1968 we got the chance to join up with a company. This cooperation went so well, that in 1984 our first own production site, the toothing and gearing technology company M?dler GmbH, was founded. At the same time a number of other things happened: 1970: the company headquarters are moved from Berlin to Stuttgart. 1975: the subsidiary in Hamburg is founded. 1977: the business premises in Berlin are being closed. 1978: the Transnord GmbH in Hamburg is founded, with participation of the M?dler GmbH. 1978: M?dler also starts trading in the neighbouring countries. The company M?dler Norm-Antrieb AG in Feuerthalen/ Switzerland starts making business. 1988 the headquarters in Stuttgart move into their new, own premises. 1990 the subsidiary in Dusseldorf moves - for the same reason. 2004 the area in Stuttgart is extended by ab0ut 3000 sqm.



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